Clean Fill Dirt | Contact Us

At Slabaugh Services, we provide extraordinarily clean fill dirt for residential and commercial use. We have provided Stillman Valley customers with exceptional services for over two decades to ensure success and satisfactory results. Our goal is to provide outstanding customer service and premium clean-fill dirt supply at prices you will appreciate. No matter how much clean fill dirt you need, Slabaugh Services will handle the job.

Stillman Valley is in Ogle County, Illinois. The prime location, reasonable housing costs, and friendly residents make Stillman Valley an excellent place for over 1,100 residents. The prime location, reasonable housing costs, and friendly residents make Stillman Valley an excellent place for over 2,800 residents. Slabaugh Services is the well-respected and preferred clean-fill dirt supply contractor near Stillman Valley.

When looking for a trusted name in the clean-fill dirt supply industry, call Slabaugh Services near Stillman Valley. We make it easy for you by providing landscaping materials and knowledgeable team members who will deliver to your home or place of business. We assure you that you will save money and the products will keep your property looking great. We have the clean fill dirt you need at a price you can appreciate. Call Slabaugh Services today!
Stillman Valley Clean Fill Dirt